Saturday, March 5, 2011

Beginning of the End!

Hello one and all.
I have now finished my first week of SP2 (the first 6 month semester of uni for the year) and I am anxiously excited about this being my final year at art school :D I really don't want to leave.
Firstly I would like to mention that I finally got my result back for my summer class Intro to Drawing!! I got a Distinction  :)
Secondly I would love to advertise vista print who I bought my business cards from and am very a pleased with. They are great quality, came at a bargain price and arrived weeks before I was expecting it.
(scanned image)

Now on to what I am going to be working on this semester. I am doing three classes; Film and the Moving Image is my theory class in which we will be looking at arthouse films and film in art, Photography Specialization B, and my Photography Negotiated Study.
The hard part of this semester will be distinguishing the difference between my two photography classes! Well after my first week of uni I think I know where the difference will lie. In my negotiated study I am investigating creative portraits and just portraits in general whereas in my photography specialization I am going to be working more with the manipulated image which may include the use of portraits as I have done a lot of lately.

Keep watch for my work throughout the semester :)