Friday, January 21, 2011

Summer Intensive Course

For the past two weeks I have been doing my summer intensive course Introduction to Drawing. I believe that I am capable of drawing well however I am easily frustrated by it which made me do the intensive course so it would be all over in just two weeks. I had a lot of fun with it and feel I accomplished development in my skill but I still stand by the idea that I wouldn't like to do a half year semester of it.

This is the work that I did and an overview of each day (which was an 8 days or contact course!):

Day 1. Observational

A1 cartridge paper, compressed charcoal and willow charcoal

I struggled on the first day with measurements. I got the angles right but the measurements wrong and got quite frustrated.
I feel it looks too simple and quite amateur.

Day 2. Composition
A1 cartridge paper, willow charcoal and compressed charcoal

I felt the second day went a lot better and I am quite confident with composition. I am very pleased with the outcome, especially the ram skull :)
I feel like I achieved something better than I thought I would have.

Day 3. Perspective
A2 cartridge paper, fine liner pen, colour pencils

Perspective was something I've known since primary school however I had never done a three point perspective before! I like my drawing of this building and I'm happy with my finished version.
I think it worked okay but at first looked quite bare and needed something to bring it all together so I outlined the building to make it stand out and followed the idea that all the pieces looked like they were exploding out by thickly drawing lines from the center outwards. Then I shaded the background red and I feel that it looks a lot better, but not brilliant.

Day 4. Negative Space
A2 cartridge paper, fine liner pens

Day four was a lot of fun and though the teacher was anxious about me attempting to scribble an A2 paper with fine-liners I was confident I would get it done :)

Half way class review
The teacher pointed out that Day 1. Observational and Day 4. Negative Space were my strongest pieces. My classmates commented that the ram skull from Day 2. Composition was really good... or great. I think they used the word 'great' :D
I didn't feel like any of my pieces really stood out but I am pleased with what I achieved on Day 2. Composition.

Day 5. Mixed Media
A1 cartridge paper, variety of textured papers, photocopies, texter, coloured pencil, fine liner pen

I've never really liked doing this kind of mixed media because I struggle to make the picture work as a whole. I stopped at this point because I was happy with the current composition.
I feel that the reflective papers used for the light bulb are a bit distracting and sharp on the eyes but I feel that it works compositionally and does have a rotational effect.

Day 6. Tone
A1 cartridge paper, willow charcoal, compressed charcoal, white conte

Learning how to do an indirect drawing was a lot of fun and I like the way it makes the picture look more finalised :) I love the drawing on the left, I feel it's my best thus far.
I feel that I have really achieved a great image with my indirect drawing :) and my direct drawing isn't too bad either!
I feel like I have made some real progress in my drawing skill throughout the past week :)

Day 7. Colour
A1 cartridge paper, soft pastel, coloured pencil

I chose to go monochromatic purple indirect drawing because of my success the day before. I don't think I did as well but I feel the shapes were more complex and closer to my drawing paper altering the perspective.
Looking at the set up and comparing my drawing I can tell I did things wrong on all objects but I'm still pleased with the outcome anyway :)

Day 8. Linear
A4 cartridge paper, fine liner pen

The last day was fairly simple. I remember learning how to transfer an image using a grid in year 3 at school. It was a nice exercise to finish with though :) I'd hate the last day to be complex, stressful and a lot of work.
I took the source image from a tissue box and found the image slightly challenging but it worked effectively.
I am pleased with the outcome and chose not to add colour or tone as an added option.

Final Assessment!
All set up for final assessment!!! I just have to leave it there for the assessors and pick it up after a few hours then wait until early March for the results! 

I hate having to wait for the results so wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Adelaide Street Art

Since my Art in Public summer course last year I have been thoroughly fascinated with street art. Occasionally when I come across a particular piece of street art I like to take a quick photo on my mobile. Now I'm going to run through some of my mobile photos of 2010 and show you the Adelaide street art that has caught my eye.

This has been here since I remember spotting in 2009 sometime... Still there! 

I quite enjoyed pressing 'reboot universe' to cross the road :D

I love spotting street art because it adds something new the scenery I walk past everyday on my way to or from uni. It reminds me that there are creative, witty people out there amongst the crowds. Sometimes it's easy to forget that every person in a crowd is an individual of their own but street art brings to mind that there are unique individuals and they could be anyone I pass on the street.
Some little pieces or just simple pieces of street art I think are effective in catching attention, a smile or a laugh. Some street art can get people thinking about a new idea or concept. I admire the witty simplicity of some street art around Adelaide.

Keep up the good work Adelaide street artist! I'll be looking out for your work :)